?I'm "taking it easy" b/c of a shortened cervix, but I feel like I'm taking it too seriously. (or I should say my husband is..). I know for sure I can't lift my daughter in and out of the car, so we don't go anywhere, but I thought for sure that I could go out shopping for a little bit by myself, and my husband thinks that this is too much.?He will "let me" go out to dinner with him tonight, but he wants to stay close to home etc. He wants me to ride in an electric cart at the mall, which I am NOT doing - I'd rather not go at all.
My cervix is 2.2 - what does that mean to you? It was 1.6 a few weeks ago, and the taking it easy has helped, so I'm not goingto go running around, but I did want to hit the mall before xmas. Am I being over cautious? Or should I suck it up and sit my fatass on the couch and deal with it? ?
What was your cervix and what did your OB/DR's say about it?
I have an u/s tomorrow with the peri and i'm going ?to pick his brain about it, but I was curious about your story. Thanks.?
Re: If you had a "short cervix".. what was it? What did you do
When all my contractions started around 20 weeks they were concerned that they would shorten my cervix, which could put me into preterm labor. Thankfully it has stayed above 3.
Had it gotten below 2 they said I would have to do bedrest and progesterone shots. I am not sure if that would have been different at this point (28 weeks), but I would definitely talk to your peri about it.
Hopefully they are not too concerned but I think taking it easy is a good plan.
In my MFM's office, anything below 2.5 is considered short and requires restricted activity and/or bedrest. IMHO that includes no trips to the mall, but you should definitely talk to your MFM/OB about it.
I'm having a lot of braxton hicks, but they are so far not changing my cervix. I was told anything above 3 cm is good. I'm at 5.5 right now (but I'm also 6 weeks behind you in this pg.), so who knows where I'll be by 28 weeks.
5.5, that's great! I hope your BH's calm down for you. When I was in L&D 2 weeks ago, I was having what I thought was BH, but since my cervix was short, they were considered real contractions and they were stopped by a medicine. I had NO IDEA they were real. There is so much about this that I don't know ,it's so scary sometimes. ?I hope things remain stable for you well past where I am now. I hope that for me too!
Thank you. I just feel in the dark this pregnancy. I'm really unhappy with my perinatologists. I have seen 5 of them already, and there is no continuum of care. I swear they don't even look at my chart. I need to talk to my OB ,he's the only guy I trust, and I hate having to go to the Peri.
its better to take it "too seriously" than not seriously enough, ya know?
i went on modified bedrest at 30 weeks because my cervix went below 3. better safe than sorry, without a doubt.
2.2 would be pretty scary for me, even though it's a little better than 1.6.
I'm going off work 12/23 and my OB has told me no standing/walking for long periods of time - the example she used being Christmas shopping at the mall. My cervix isn't even short, and I'm not really having any problems.
Hopefully you'll find out more at your u/s tomorrow. If you aren't happy with what the peri tells you, since you aren't having the greatest experience with their practice, I'd probably run it by my OB too.
I hope things look good!
I was put on hospital bed rest at 27 weeks due to a cervix that went from 4 to 1.7 in about a week's time. I was admitted to the hospital for a week and it went back up to 2.8. At that point, I was sent home on modified bed rest and my cervix again dropped to a number even lower than before. It may have been the extra activity, or not - we'll never know. At its lowest point, from 30 weeks on, it was about .8 in length. I was on strict bed rest (bathroom to bed - that's it) for 2 months and took it very seriously.
Here's the thing.....my doc said that they only do the best they know how with the information they have. We took all the precautionary steps to help the babies along should they be pre-term and then hoped for the best. It is VERY possible that many women are out there walking around with shortened cervixes and dont even know it because they're not monitored nearly as closely as those of us with multiples.
I delivered at 35 weeks 4 days and consider myself lucky to have gotten that far. My girls spent a week in the NICU, which was very hard. It is awful going home without your babies, although I we were up there 24/7. Do EVERYTHING you can to avoid this, or cut their time short.....you'll thank yourself later.
Once bedrest is over, although it sucks really bad, it is a distant memory. I promise! I vote for taking it easy and following the doc's instructions down to the letter. That way, you'll know you did everything you could!