Alright this isnt exactly baby-relted but it definatley has left me feeling bad for absolutley nothng.
Short(ish) version: Dh's friends wife. . we'll call her A, kept facebook-chatting me asking me the same questions over and over again about our baby and like really personal questions about the baby over and over again. And i have never met this woman before in my life, and i have only met her DH (my dh's friend) like 3 times. So after the 6th time of her facebooking me i nicley asked her to just "please leave me alone" explaining to her that i dont really know her and that maybe if we met face-face sometime we could try and become closer friends. And that is honestly the jist of what i said. . .nothing overly mean or b!tchy. . maybe a little abrupt but thats about it. So she said she would and apologized and that was that. . . or so i thought. But then her husband(or it might have actually been her. . she has a habit of pretending to be him) IM's me and asks me why i was being SO mean and rude to his wife and what my problem was and i replyed that i wasnt mean, i just asked to be left alone and then. . so as to try and not get anymore dramatic. . i removed them as my friends on facebook for a couple reasons 1)I dont really know either one of them 2)I didnt want to be her friend in the first place but she harrassed me with friend requests until i did. So after i removed them i thought it was over. . . . i thought wrong. . . .next thing i know theres a message entitled "whore" in my inbox from this kid saying how much of a b!tch i was and how immature i was for removing them and that i didnt have to respond to her FB chat. . . .etc. So i just replied back that im sorry if my "negative words" offened his wife (although they werent negative) and i got a lil witchy at this point and told him to have a nice life and to enjoy his controlling wife(looong back story. . short version-she controlls everything he does) and that the reason i removed them was becaused they were starting drama out of nothing.. . well apparently that was even worse then asking her to leave me be because then i got a response from him saying how much of hoe i was and all sorts of not so nice names and then he said that my baby was conceived out of wedlock and all sorts of things. and NOW i just got this message from her
Subject: Im Sorry
"oh I ment sorry that you are being a jerk. you are going to be a horrible mother if you are acting like this. you also had a choice of blocking me,or just not responding to my chat. DUH!! I'm leaving facebook,cause of all this bull *** from you. have a nice damn nice life with your hubby!! LOL ***!!
sincerely,Have a nice day,A"
Im sorry . . .maybe the pregnancy has clouded my judgment but does me asking to be left alone REALLY call for me being called a bad mother?
Thanks for listening sorry it was soo long
Re: NBR-JEEEEZE-a vent (long)
Sounds like she also has so psychological issues. If you thought that she was asking too personal of questions and asked to just be left alone, especially since you don't really know her...just my association, then she is just one big whack job. Your not going to be a bad mother, and your pregnancy isn't clouding any judgement. Have you told your husband about how immature these two are (or just her if he was never involved). Lets just hope that she can grow up and act like the adult that she is. And hopefully she doesn't conceive any children anytime soon, if thats how shes going to teach them to act toward other people.
Don't cry...your going to be a wonderful mother!
Wow, sorry you had to deal with that. Hopefully they will leave it alone now.
This is precisely why I never go on Facebook anymore, or contact people via Facebook...I just really don't need a bunch of 'friends' knowing what's going on in my life. If you're actually my friend then we will talk about these things in person.
Just block them in all the programs you use and try to forget about it. They obviously have serious issues.