I am so frustrated. Jocelyn was previously a great napper. She would nap 3 times a day from 1-3 hours each nap. Now as soon as she rubs her eyes and does her other sleepy signals, we head up the stairs and the screaming starts. She screams from when we go up to me putting her in the crib, I give her her bunny and paci's, turn the sound machine on and run out the door with her standing up screaming. This started as soon as she could pull up. I know she is tired because when we get in the car (after I've given up naptime) she falls asleep as soon as I start the engine. It is so frustrating, today I sat in the car for an hour at HT to let her sleep. I tried 3 times for an afternoon nap and she screamed and screamed, finally I just put her in there and let her scream and she did fall asleep. I don't know what to do other than CIO. I have no idea what this new trend is and why it is happening. She sleeps fine at night, no crying at all and STTN 12-13 hours. Has anyone else dealt with nap time issues??
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Re: Do I just do CIO??
We had to do CIO at naptime too, so I'd say try it - especially since she did eventually fall asleep.
Good luck!
She might just be trying to fight it... my DD has always been a very calm baby and a great sleeper- but now she tends to get fussy- right as she starts to fall asleep. If I just hold her tight or swaddle her- she gives up and eventually falls asleep. So just hang in there! It could just be a phase!
Maybe she is ready to drop to 2 naps? At her age, she has to be close to dropping to 2. I would try that first - one of Liam's big signs when he was ready to drop a nap was screaming every time we tried to put him down because he just wasn't tired enough. Especially since Jocelyn was previously a great napper. I can't remember when it was, but at some point Liam reached the age when he wasn't really ready to nap as soon as he showed sleepy signals.
We also went through a rough patch after he learned to pull up where he would just repeatedly pull up and scream at naptime - it lasted a week or 2 until the novelty wore off. GL!
Ditto crescent.. I was thinking that if she's STTN 12 or 13 hours, it might be time to drop to just 2 naps.
Holly still stands up and walks around her crib, shakes the crib rail, etc, until she's ready to go to sleep. Sometimes she'll do it for a half hour. But she always eventually falls asleep. I agree that there's just something so fun about doing that when they first learn how. And I know at first, it seemed like she couldn't quite figure out how to get back down, and she'd cry for awhile! It was definitely just a short phase though.
We did drop to two naps about a month or more ago, a morning and a late afternoon and she screams for both naps. It is so frustrating when I know she is tired because when I decide to just head out to do what we need to do, she passes out in the car right away. I am going to keep her up later today before her morning nap and see how it goes.