I had my 28-week appointment this morning and Baby A is 3 pounds and Baby B is 2 pounds 15 ounces. I think that put them in the 61st percentile. Fluid looks great and cervix was measuring at 4 cm.
I am up 33 pounds in 28.5 weeks. I gained 7 pounds since my appointment 5 weeks ago, and my doctor said, "You hardly gained anything since last time." He said everything weight-wise is perfect. Oh, and I passed my 1-Hour GTT. Yay!
I no longer need to go in for weekly fluid checks, which is nice. I will go back in 2 weeks for a fluid/cervix check and then 4 weeks for a growth scan. Starting at 32 weeks, I will have twice-weekly NSTs.
The plan is to do an amnio at 36 weeks to check lung development and if all looks good, we'll deliver soon after. My Peri likes to deliver identical twins on the early side if all looks good, so that would put us around February 1st. Crazy how quickly this is all happening now...
Re: 28 week appointment & weight check
I'm so glad that everything looks so WONDERFUL!!!! yay for strong cervixes and great weight gain!
can't believe you're at 28 weeks already!