THIS SUCKS! Last night was my first night away from Lillian, I have two more and it is getting worse and worse as the days go on.
To add to the distress, I am sitting in a conference room with big glass windows, and guess who just came to visit? A newborn!! Ugh, he was crying and I started crying. Anyway, glad I am not nursing because I have a feeling I would have started to leak.
How do you keep sane? Last night I drank at dinner then back at the hotel, sad, but that sort of helped.
Re: traveling working moms
I don't travel, but wanted to give you a big virtual hug! I can only imagine how hard it is to be away from that sweet little girl. Do you have access to a webcam to do a session so you can see Lillian (or do you think that would make it worse?) Just try to keep busy (can you do a little shopping after work) and catch up on some sleep.
Thanks Ladies
We have skype and I had all intentions of getting on there, but I think it will make it worse at this point. I just can't wait until I land at 3:30 on Friday.
Hugs to you!! ?
When Christian was 5 mos, I had to be gone a whole month. ?I was convinced he'd forget me. ?I was only a few hours away, so DH drove out with the baby twice to see me. ?Leaving him again each time was the worst.
I travel 3-4 times a year for my job, and I'm gone about 4 days at a time. ?Its a lot easier than it was in the beginning. ?It helps that he is old enough to talk on the phone now, so I know he remembers me when we chat
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time.
I used to travel with my old job and it did stink. I would have dinners each night with my coworkers and then I would fill the rest of the time up with things that I just didn't do with a new born - read a book, get a massage, watch a movie, go shopping, etc. I was still nursing, so I didn't get to STTN, but I would enjoy that too if you can. I tried to gear my mind to focus on that I was recharging for her and that I would be a better Mom when I got home from my renewed energy!
I always took a photo book and called each night for a report.