Babies: 3 - 6 Months

ugh- ever since vacation he wakes before midnight

i blame going away and the IL's having scheduled 8pm dinners nightly.  So he would sleep during dinner, then when we got back to the hotel he would have to be transferred and I usually nursed him in hopes of longer sleep.  That was thanksgiving week and I still can't break him of waking between 10-12.


I stopped feeding him and am doing paci, pats, and rocking if necessary.  Here's hoping eventually this ends

He is quiet but I can hear his little legs banging on the mattress

EDD with #4  01-20-14
Proud mama to a boys-  6/17/09 - a girl 2/23/11- and a boy 8/20/12

Re: ugh- ever since vacation he wakes before midnight

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