Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Transition to crib...HELP!

We are just now trying to transition DD to her crib....I know it may be a little late in the game. All of my friends think I am crazy for having her in our room for so long but oh well. We have tried both drowsy but awake and totally asleep when putting her in her crib and both have failed. She will not stay asleep for more than 10 minutes.

Please give me some advice on how to make this easier for all of us. I am prepared for getting up more often but not every 10 minutes Tongue Tied

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Re: Transition to crib...HELP!

  • i'm in the same boat...waiting for an answer from a veteran.Tongue Tied
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  • I have no great advice but I'll tell you what worked for us.  Did you do drowsy but awake when she slept in your room?  We've never really gotten it down, we still rock to sleep for night time and naps.

    When we transitioned, we bought a sound machine and I put a PJ top of mine in the corner of her crib so that my scent would be near her.  She did wake up a bit more frequently but we rocked her back to sleep in her room.  (She doesn't get soothed by just being patted, it just makes her cry harder). 

    Good luck! 

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  • It was a week of hell for us too. One night I got a sleeping bag and slept beside my ds's bed and spent the entire night putting his paci back in his mouth. It took a week until he was fine with the bed. Maybe make sure she is warm enough? I know our ds's room is a bit chilly and if she slept in bed with you that would have kept her warmer too.

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  • DS is still sleeping in our room. Embarrassed  I'm just not ready lol He has been STTN since about 2 months so he is probably more than ready. But I barely sleep now bc I check on him so much. We have decided to put DS's crib in our room until he gets use it and then at 6 months I'm going to move him. I'm little worried on how he will do in his crib. I am putting something near him with my scent.
  • We have not made the move yet, but a close friend told me to sleep in the room with LO for awhile to help the transition. Are you leaving the room? Maybe LO knows you're not there. GL
  • The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley has some good tips.  Its a pretty helpful book in general.  

    We just kept trying; if it didn't work that night, we just tried again the next night.  Eventually she just stayed asleep.

  • imageceg2483:

    I have no great advice but I'll tell you what worked for us.  Did you do drowsy but awake when she slept in your room?  We've never really gotten it down, we still rock to sleep for night time and naps.

    When we transitioned, we bought a sound machine and I put a PJ top of mine in the corner of her crib so that my scent would be near her.  She did wake up a bit more frequently but we rocked her back to sleep in her room.  (She doesn't get soothed by just being patted, it just makes her cry harder). 

    Good luck! 

     She will do drowsy but awake in her bassinet like a pro! I can hear her whimpering right now and I have to keep getting up to give her a paci and rub her belly. Last night I caved and took her out and put her in her bassinet in our room and she was out in 2 minutes for 6 straight hours! We sleep with a small fan in our bedroom b/c we live by a train and it drowns that noise out so she is used to we even put a small fan in her room (not facing her), but its still not workingSad Maybe I will try the PJ thing.

    We took her positioner away a month or so ago but I am wondering if that would help. Or do you think bringing that back into the picture is a bad idea?

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  • This is what we did....


    First we had to get her comfortable in the room, which means spending time in there during the day.  Playing.....whatever.  At night I would rock her to sleep and stuff in the room.  Everything after the bath happened in her room.  I dried her, dressed her, fed her, swaddled her.  I turned on her white noise, and a lights and sounds thing for her.  I picked a time frame, like she'd stay in her room until midnight.  Now it wasn't CIO....I went in there and soothed her every time but we never left the room.  And then when it got better until midnight I pushed it to 2 am.  Then 4 am.  Now she sleeps in there the entire night.  It isn't SLEEP training as much as it is where she sleeps.  It was never about getting her to STTN or anything.  It was just about getting her to sleep in her crib.  But FWIW she started sleeping longer and waking up in a better mood when she was sleeping in her crib all night.

  • Do you keep her in her room when putting her down?  I have established a routine of bath, then into her room for the night, she gets changed, snuggled, fed and does not leave her room when it is night.  When she would wake at night, I made the bottle and took it into her room while she was still in the crib and we play lullabyes at night routine too (she loves music).  I think she knows this way it is night.
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  • imagecubits:

    The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley has some good tips.  Its a pretty helpful book in general.  

    We just kept trying; if it didn't work that night, we just tried again the next night.  Eventually she just stayed asleep.

     I just told my DH about that book last night. A lot of you ladies have said great things about it so I think I will go get it. I just can't listen to her cry, ya know? I just figure, shes only 4 months old, if she crying she needs something, I dont think shes old enough to be manipulative, lol.

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  • That may be part of the problem. I give her a bath, then lotion and dress in her room, but I have been going back out to the living room to feed her and then back into her room to rock her. I will try staying in her room.

    Also the idea of setting a time frame limit sounds my style all the way. We worked her out of her swaddle one arm at a time so I guess we can get her down in her crib one hour at a time.

    Ahhhh! Someday though, she will be to big for me to rock to sleep, so I will enjoy that while I can!

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  • imageClaudiaAC:

    This is what we did....


    First we had to get her comfortable in the room, which means spending time in there during the day.  Playing.....whatever.  At night I would rock her to sleep and stuff in the room.  Everything after the bath happened in her room.  I dried her, dressed her, fed her, swaddled her.  I turned on her white noise, and a lights and sounds thing for her.  I picked a time frame, like she'd stay in her room until midnight.  Now it wasn't CIO....I went in there and soothed her every time but we never left the room.  And then when it got better until midnight I pushed it to 2 am.  Then 4 am.  Now she sleeps in there the entire night.  It isn't SLEEP training as much as it is where she sleeps.  It was never about getting her to STTN or anything.  It was just about getting her to sleep in her crib.  But FWIW she started sleeping longer and waking up in a better mood when she was sleeping in her crib all night.

    This is really helpful.  My older daughter always loved her crib.  But the LO hates her crib!  But she is never in her room except when we're trying to get her to sleep in there.

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