We have a video monitor and sometimes it gets fuzzy. I have noticed that when it does this, if I change the channel, I can see another baby clear as day. There is a house 2 doors down with a baby the same age as DS, so I'm assuming its them (because I don't know anyone else around with a baby).
Well, DH didn't know why the monitor was fuzzy and changed the channels tonight to see if it would solve the problem and he noticed the baby lying in a bed and the mom breastfeeding. The baby was not really interested and the mom was just lying there with her boob out and we could see everything.
So do you think I should tell her? I've only spoken to her once since they moved in a year ago, so it would be kinda awkward. I mean, its not really anything more than nursing in public (except her whole boob is out), but she just doesn't know she's being watched. We just turned the monitor off since we couldn't see DS well anyway, but some pervert might not.
And also PSA: don't do or say anything that might be picked up on your monitor!
Re: video monitor/neighbor
tell her.
We had the same issue (minus the boob) a month before the baby was born. We were lucky enough to have my niece overnight to be able to try it out and noticed that not only could we see one other baby, but TWO of them. If we turned our camera part off, we could see a different baby on each channel. AND there is only 1 baby in our neighborhood, as the rest are retired. We figured it out early enough to return it and get a digital. Now, we don't have any problems at all since it is a secure network.
I'd ask them if they have a video monitor (play dumb), and tell them you can see their baby on it. If you can see them/their baby...chances are, they can also see yours when they turn their channel. Not something I could live with, so you may want to look into exchanging or returning it. Good luck!
Christmas PJ's!