North Carolina Babies

uggg..I don't want to do work

Since I was home with DS most of the day today and then just ran in to see 3 people for appts and went right back to get DS, I am behind with work.  I really need to use this time while he's asleep to get work done since I may be home with him at least a half day tomorrow.  But the couch and TV are calling my name.  :)

The good news--Scott didn't have anything above the 99 earlier this morning.  I was worried I had made the wrong call sending him in to daycare while I ran into work for 3 hours.  But when I arrived to pick him up, he was smiling reading books with his teacher and was playful.  Yay!  I hope he's completely back to normal tomorrow.  It's just so hard to tell why he's clingy right now--not feeling well? or b/c it's been all mommy all the time for almost a week (DH is out of town)?

Well, guess I better get crackin'! 


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