Babies: 3 - 6 Months

phantom kicks?

yesturday I had three and today I've had two so far. It feels JUST like when DD would kick me and it's at random times...when I'm moving around the house or playing on the floor with DD. Dh gave me the side eyes this morning and asked me if I was sure I wasnt pregnant. yeah, the constant bleeding every thirty days for the past three months is proof in the puddin hun, I'm not!

::hopes someone else can relate::

Re: phantom kicks?

  • OMG me too! idk what it is!! but the think that is freaking me out is my AF is like uber late but the preggo test was negitive, so its wierd! Idk if it is just a mental thing that goes on. I was wondering if i was the only one! Anyone know what it is?? gas maybe??
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  • A friend and I were just talking about this (she has a 6 month old).  We've both had that.  It is the weirdest thing.

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  • I'm so relieved this happens to other people!!!
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  • imagekatiefyd84:
    I'm so relieved this happens to other people!!!

    me too!

  • imagekatiefyd84:
    I'm so relieved this happens to other people!!!

     same here! I just figure it's gas bubbles or something, haha. maybe we're more in tune with the movements in that area now?  

  • i did in the very beginning, but havent for along time...just lots of gas kicks think the kid damaged my intestines b/c i am just one big fart all the time.

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  • OMG me too for the past week. I even took a test and that was BFN. So weird. I am sooo glad to hear I am not the only one!
    ~Kimberly & Eric~ April 21, 2008 ~Tensing Pen ~ Negril, Jamaica ~ My Blog: One Sunset at a Time
  • It happens to me too once in a while... I kind of miss having DS in my belly when I get those kicks.
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  • a few weeks out it happened all the time, especially when I was nursing her!  Or maybe it was my organs re-arranging themselves Smile  I have felt it since them, but very rarely. 
  • I've felt a TON of those in the past few days!


    Come to think of it, I haven't gotten AF back yet either . . . 



  • imagekatiefyd84:
    I'm so relieved this happens to other people!!!

    I thought I was crazy. 

  • imageksayles:

    I'm so relieved this happens to other people!!!

    I thought I was crazy. 

    This and this!  But two BFNs (whew!) and one AF give me some peace of mind. 

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