Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Christmas Stockings

Do you do a stocking for your SO? What do you put in it?


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Re: Christmas Stockings

  • i usually get some of those gift packs from home depot/lowes.

    the LED flashlights, box knife, etc and put them in there.

    he always seems to need more every year, because they get lost. Confused

  • scratch tickets

    $25 Dunkin Donuts gift card


    a new hat (this yr a patriots winter hat)

    new pair of sunglasses

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  • mine are boring but essential stuff with some fun stuff mixed in.

    Shaving cream and razors, toothbrush, shampoo, a new tie, maybe a new t-shirt (Old Navy has great deals right now), a bunch of travel supplies, as DH travels for work a whole bunch.

  • A movie, a small thing of hair product, picture in a frame.  I'm not done getting stuff, but I usually do a few fun things, something goofy, and something meaningful/serious. 
  • This year he is getting mini chocolate bars, mini liquor bottles, a word of the day calendar (he's a nerd like that), and some wallet sized prints of M.
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  • imageCalinsBride:
    This year he is getting mini chocolate bars, mini liquor bottles, a word of the day calendar (he's a nerd like that), and some wallet sized prints of M.

    Good ideas!

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