Babies: 3 - 6 Months

My baby is breech...ECV anyone?

I was just at my midwifes office for my 35 week appointment and it looks like baby girl is breech.  We will be trying all kinds of stuff to turn her over the next week, but if she has not turned by Wednesday, the MD in the practice will do an external cephalic version to try and turn her.  Did any of you have this done?  If so, was it in the office or at the hospital?  How was it?  Was if very painful?  Did it work?  TIA.

Re: My baby is breech...ECV anyone?

  • I personally decided to not try to turn my Frank Breech baby but I was warned that it is quite painful. GL!
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  • imageSunflower55014:
    I personally decided to not try to turn my Frank Breech baby but I was warned that it is quite painful. GL!

    Ditto. I was going to do a ECV but cancelled at the last minute. Since it only has a 50% success rate and the possibility of complications and pain (my doctor was going to give me an epidural but then I thought that was just too much for the chance he would cooperate and not turn back) I pulled the plug on it knowing I would most likely have a c/s.

    I did end up with a c/s though because baby did not turn back and was born at 37 weeks anyway due to me having severe pre-e.

    GL! I know what a difficult decision it is and I went back and forth many times on whether I had made the right call.

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  • Sorry, I should add that I just noticed you already have a child. I remember reading that women who had delivered vaginally before had a better chance of the ECV working. So that's one thing going in your favor!
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  • Thanks for your replies.  I am trying very hard to get her to turn before going the ECV route.  I realize if I end up doing it, that it will be painful and may not work.  I really would love to avoid a c-section if at all possible.  I am just gathering all the information I can to make the best decision.  Thanks!
  • I had one done.  It was extremely painful and not even worth it.  My tummy was black and blue for days. 
  • No personal experience but I've heard things about, The Webster technique and chiro works


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  • imageSLOmama:
    Thanks for your replies.  I am trying very hard to get her to turn before going the ECV route.  I realize if I end up doing it, that it will be painful and may not work.  I really would love to avoid a c-section if at all possible.  I am just gathering all the information I can to make the best decision.  Thanks!

    GL! I tried every non-invasive method known to man from acupuncture to lying inverted on a board, etc. It didn't work for me but definitely try what you are comfortable with! My LO just didn't want to turn. 

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