I know how you feel. Every. Single. Time. I cut his nails I seem to always get one too short. I told DH that I was never going to cut his nails again and LO could just end up in the Guinness Book of World Records for the baby with the longest nails.
My husband got Natalie's thumb the other day. Got blood everywhere. UGH. poor thing. That is why I refuse to cut her nails (and why i have scratch marks all over my arm and chest).
Re: I f'ing did it again!
Was he sleeping? Do it while he is sleeping. I do, and have never had a problem.
have you tried manicure scissors?
i push the skin back underneath and then cut. it is so much easier than clippers.
poor baby. i'm sure mommy kisses make it all better.
Oh, I like this!
He always wakes up and freaks out on me...boo!