Babies: 3 - 6 Months

If you went med free during/or before your pain meds kicked in..

..did you have any real "freak out " moments during labor?

After DD was born my nurse laughed at me because at one point I took off the oxygen meter that they had on my finger and threw it across the room. With the horrible back labor I was having the stupid deal on my finger was just too much lol!

She also told me that she had been punched, and even bit by women in laborSurprise

Re: If you went med free during/or before your pain meds kicked in..

  • surprisingly, no! i just kept telling myself it would be over soon (and it was...but not after a stupid unplanned c-section!).
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  • No, I was too busy throwing up everywhere lolol
    Our miracle IVF baby - D 6/09 & J - Surprise! born 9/10!!!
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  • My entire labor/delivery was med free and I don't know if this counts as freaking out but I do remember screaming "My as$ is going to explode!"
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    ~DS Born! 2009~
    ~DD Born! 2013~
    ~DD due! 2015~

  • before I got my epi I was rocking back and forth on the edge of the bed, basically screaming through clenched teeth. I was trying to say "oh my god I dont think I can do this" but it just sounded like high pitched gibberish!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I wasnt too too bad but my epi did wear off during transition..super fun.. and I told the nurse I might as well be having my baby in a forest agaisnt a tree and thats not what I was in the hospital for lol. I also bit my so's hand during one contraction
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  • I went med-free and I completely freaked out during transition. I was yelling and panicking. I had horrible back labor.
  • Surprisingly, no!  I think it helped that I had an awesome nurse for the last 2.5 hours of labor.  The nurse for the first 8 hours was not very nice and told me that I would end up getting an epidural once the contractions really started.  I think part of the reason I was able to make it through without meds is to show her!
  • Yes, with my second baby.  I was up on the rails of the bed and totally freaking during transition.  She was a 9 pounder that I delivered with no pain med relief (not by choice).  I was NOT listening to the nurses and told them to get out of my face.  I only had eyes and ears for my OB that day.
  • My nurse came in an said all the other nurses thought I was being tortured (they could hear me down the hall) Embarrassed Plus later I was wondering how I got really painful bruises on my forearms, I was hanging onto the bed rails so tight during each contraction - yikes!  To give myself credit I wanted med free but was induced because my water broke and contractions hadn't started for 10 hours.... now I LOL at all of it!
  • I think the biggest freak out moment I had was when I said to the doctor "WTF!  It's about damn time you got here!"  My OB wasn't on call but he told them that if he wasn't on call when I came in that they HAD to call him because the on call OB wanted to do a C/S on me.  He was convinced my LO would be too big.  She was 9lbs 8oz.  Her older sister was 9lbs 14oz.  Both delivered naturally.
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  • My doctor said my c-section was the most fun he's had in a awhile.  Apparently I was cracking jokes with the anesthesiologist and waving to my OB over the curtain once my arms were free.  My husband was embarrassed by my antics, but I always try to keep it light.  At least when on Demerol!
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  • I also had terrible back labor, but I didn't freak out too much. I was too busy throwing up and pooping to do anything dramatic. Sad
    Baby E: July 3, 2009 Baby M: February 22, 2012
  • I went med free and not by choice, the hospital was to busy to get me and Epi, and my water broke so they induced me. I was in labor for 12 hours with horrible back labor and DD facing up. After that they gave me an Epi and informed me that I would have to have a Csection and that was the only reason I got it, they also messed up and forgot once they turned it off and took another person in the OR before me so my contractions started all over again, it was a mess. I was not happy. I remember at one point hitting my head off the railing on the bed because it felt good to have different pain, my poor nurses must have had a terrible day with me.
  • imageManderlin923:
    My entire labor/delivery was med free and I don't know if this counts as freaking out but I do remember screaming "My as$ is going to explode!"


    haha, it does feel that way, huh?

    i didnt get to the hospital until i was 7cm and i didnt get to L&D until I was 9cm.  I had to get an epi since it was twins (needed to be ready for emergency c-section) but i cant say I minded.  it hurt!  i said, "help me, help me" a lot.

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  • no...i was in my own little world and so focused. the nurses told me after they has never seen anyone so calm....although i'm sure they were just trying to be nice.
  • Not too bad, but when the contractions really started to kick in and were 2 minutes apart, one of the nurses came back to admit me from triage after talking to my doctor on the phone (the doc on call at the practice, not mine). She told me he asked if I was "really in labor." It was a Saturday night. I said "no, go tell him I'm only sort of in labor and I'll come back later if it's an inconvenient time." She just sort of laughed nervously.

    I also refused to lay down so they could hook me up to the monitors. I would really start to lose my sh*t when I was laying down during contractions! They hurt 1,000 times worse. After what seemed like the 10th time they had asked me to lay down I grabbed the stupid monitor and held it against my belly for them.

  • I went med-free, and at one point I screamed so loud that my midwife asked me to please keep it down, I was scaring other women. (I had back labor!)
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  • everything happened so fast- i freaked out a lot.  I refused to hold the bed rails, but was gripping the sheet going no, no, no, no, no.  My ob asked why i was saying no and my answer was i don't know.  My ob was fabulous and calmed me down out of my yelling period
    EDD with #4  01-20-14
    Proud mama to a boys-  6/17/09 - a girl 2/23/11- and a boy 8/20/12

  • I just kept saying "I don't want to be one of those  overdramatic women you see on tv."  The nurses kept laughing and telling me I wasn't even close to that!  Just  before the they gave me the epi I started crying really hard with every contraction though.
  • I remember being really pissed off at the blood pressure cuff that would squeeze my arm.  It always seemed to squeeze right when the contractions would hit.  I kept asking the nurse to take it off.
  • I just kept trying to breathe until they could give me the epi...which took almost 3 hours.  I was at 7 cm by then...  I remember holding my nurse's hand during a big contraction and telling her that I was scared that they wouldn't be able to give me an epi in time. 
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  • I had a little spaz attack about the IV in my hand which was KILLING me because the nurses took their dislike of the MWs out on me (well, that's my theory anyway).  I got a HUGE side eye from the nurse when she asked me if I planned on using the tub.  (Well, she actually said, "You're not going in the tub are you?")  Then she sighed about how I HAD to have an IV hook up "just in case" and that it COULD NOT get wet.  So she taped and taped and taped...and it fricken HURT.  At one point, during a big contraction, I yelled at her "THIS EFFING IV HURTS MORE THAN THIS CONTRACTION!" 

    But other than that it was all unicorns and sugar candies.

    "I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy." J.D. Salinger Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • (maybe TMI) 

    My epi only worked for a grand total of about half an hour, and I had five failed cath's...After getting straight cath'ed three times the nurse said that they were going to 'just leave it', eventhough I was in screaming pain and couldn't breathe because of it.  I told her I was going to rip the damn thing out myself if she didn't remove it.  She ran off and got permission from the doc to remove it...which took half an hour.  If I would've been able to reach between my legs, I probably would've took it out on my own.

  • I did go med free not by choice though. Just didn't have enough time for the epi. Well when we got there they never bothered to check how dialated I was and when I did they said I was 8 cn. Well they apparantely thought it would still be a while before I delievered.  So when I was getting ready to sign for the epi I told them I had to push and they all starting yelling "Don't push, we don't even know if the baby is head down" Well in return I yelled " What do you mean don't push!? You just had your f***in fingers up there yo didn't feel her head!!" 
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  • I went through "transition" around 5-6cm and at one point I was sitting on the toilet screaming and pushing. I don't know if it was because of the back labor or not but I couldn't control the pushing and I felt so out of control in general. My nurse kept coming in and telling me to not push but that wasn't happening. Once they moved me to the bed and onto my side to try and turn DS I screamed and pushed while gripping the bedrail. Man that sucked so bad.
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  • weirdly enough.. i never made a sound... i just breathed through the back labor and pain..... i have a super high pain tolrance though...
  • I told DH to eff off once, during a very long contraction, when he told me to keep pushing.
  • I was induced with pitocin and had my water broken and the epi guy was MIA for hours. I kept telling my mom and dh to SHHHHHhhhhhhbhhh SHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ssshhhhhhhhhhhh
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  • No I was pretty tame. However, my FI kept wanting me to hold his hand and I didn't want to because I didn't want to hurt him. Poor guy. He kept pleading to help out.
  • No drugs for me the whole time and no freakouts either.  I do remember swearing a lot during transition though.

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