Babies: 3 - 6 Months

My naptime "duh" moment

DS is a pretty bad napper, but we're working on it.  I've been putting him down in his crib for at least one nap a day and he'll generally take about a 30 minute nap in there...  We'll I've been noticing that once he starts fussing and I go get him from his crib, a lot of times he turns into a full-on-angry-baby when I go pick him up.  And I'd often think to myself "huh, he still looks tired. that wasn't a long nap... but he's awake now..." and just go about soothing him and go on with our day.


So, just now, when he woke up at 30 min on the nose, I soothed him in his crib and he went back down for more naptime.  DUH.  he was still tired idiot.  he can be soothed back to sleep just like if it was nighttime!


yeah for a happily napping baby! 

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Re: My naptime "duh" moment

  • Lol.  Congrats on your discovery!  Yay for a sleeping baby!
  • Not a Duh moment ... an AHA moment!

    You just learned a GREAT thing about your little guy! And he's only 3 months! That's great!

    You're not an idiot! You are a mom who is learning... and of course one of the first things you are going to do when your baby cries and wakes is want to pick him up to sooth him! What a great thing that he can sooth while still in his crib... you are going to be able to use THAT well in the coming months if you can keep doing it!

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