Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Taking Temps

How do you personally do it? When do you do it? Have you done it yet? LO hasn't been noticeably sick, but then you read about all the cases where the baby was "fine" but then for some reason they decided to take the temp and they ended up having a temperature.


Re: Taking Temps

  • I do rectal...only did it maybe twice?  I know there are other less invasive ways...but I was a peds ICU nurse and our standard was rectal, so it is normal to me.  We were not permitted to do underarm.  The thought was it wasn't accurate enough.

    When you take the sure to specify to your pedi where you took it.  It makes a difference in whether they will classify the temp as a fever or not.

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  • We do underarm and if high rectal as NICU instructed
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  • rectal. I think the underarm one is a joke. when LO was really sick back in October DH took his temp under his arm and it didnt even register. I had a feeling he had a fever so I took it rectally and it was 102.
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  • I use a Vicks Quick Read thermometer and do under the arm THREE times. I take it twice under one arm and then once under the other so I know if they're all about the same or not.
  • I have the ear one, if there was a fever with that I would do the rectal.
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