I know it isn't much...but I just got 4.5oz, my new record! This was a nice surprise! I normally have to pump twice to make one bottle...pumping is not my forte.
have you ever tried this trick...i got it from work and pump. totally works and I usually get another 1-1.5oz.
For maximum effect, couple this with
the "massage-stroke-shake" routine described by Chele
Marmet on the
website (the technique is described in the first response,
point #3). Remove the pump once the milk stops flowing. Then
massage each breast from the armpit to the nipple, then again
from the center of your chest towards each nipple. Stroke each
breast gently towards the nipple a few times. Bend over and
cup your breasts in your hands. Give each a good shake (a
relaxing shake, not a painful shake). Then put the pump back on
- you should see more milk begin to flow.
Re: Pumping Personal Victory
have you ever tried this trick...i got it from work and pump. totally works and I usually get another 1-1.5oz.
For maximum effect, couple this with the "massage-stroke-shake" routine described by Chele Marmet on the LLL website (the technique is described in the first response, point #3). Remove the pump once the milk stops flowing. Then massage each breast from the armpit to the nipple, then again from the center of your chest towards each nipple. Stroke each breast gently towards the nipple a few times. Bend over and cup your breasts in your hands. Give each a good shake (a relaxing shake, not a painful shake). Then put the pump back on - you should see more milk begin to flow.