Babies: 3 - 6 Months

How are your four month LO's sleeping?

Our baby hasn't ever sttn. Once he slept till 5, I think. Anyhoo, him being up twice or less is a good night. I started a dreamfeed on Saturday and it seems to make a difference. He goes down at 7, df's at 11 and sleeps till anywhere from 2 am to 4 am. Then up at 5 and I usually put him in bed with me till 6:30; bad habit I know.

How are your nights?

Re: How are your four month LO's sleeping?

  • in bed by 8....wakes up around 2:30 and sleep until about 6..
  • wanted to add my ticker is a little off, I think. baby will be 4 months on Dec. 16.
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  • He is STTN but has been since about 2 months. He goes to bed at 7:30 or 8 pm and wakes up at 6:30 am
  • imagellsanchez1986:
    He is STTN but has been since about 2 months. He goes to bed at 7:30 or 8 pm and wakes up at 6:30 am

    That is awesome! I hope mine will someday. Seems like it will never happen!

  • terrible.

    he used to sleep 6 or 7 hours.

    now, to bed around 7, and up every 2-3 hours after that :(

  • imageMrsWanee:


    he used to sleep 6 or 7 hours.

    now, to bed around 7, and up every 2-3 hours after that :(

    That's been my life since August 16! Can't say he is doing worse or better b/c it's always been up and down.

  • In bed around 9:00pm (sometimes 9:30pm) up at 6 or 7am. Somedays he will wake up at 3am, I feed him and he goes right back to sleep.

    Before this four month wakeful business he would sleep solid 9pm to 8am.

  • not so great. he goes to bed at 8, and used to sleep straight through til about 4, wake up for a feed and go back down til 6:30. Now he's been waking up at 10:30, 12:30, 2:00....basically almost every 2 hours. sometimes he only fusses for a minute then goes right back to sleep, but I usually have to go in and soothe him, and by 4 or 5 he is hungry and I need to feed him. This has been going on since he hit four months.
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  • imageSouthernCJ:

    He is STTN but has been since about 2 months. He goes to bed at 7:30 or 8 pm and wakes up at 6:30 am

    That is awesome! I hope mine will someday. Seems like it will never happen!

    Well Let me add to that He really doesn't like to take naps during the day. Sometimes I get lucky and will nap for 45 minutes other than its 10 min. naps 3x a day. but I do consisder myself lucky that he does STTN

  • DD takes a nap around 7pm ( I keep telling her that is her bed time, not nap time), for about 30 minutes. Up until around 9:30-10pm, if we can put her down in bassinett (or crib) she is good until 2-3am (then with us the rest of the night), if she goes in bed with us, she is good until 4-5am.  Then up again at 6:30-7am to start the day.  I know its bad to have her with us ( for many reasons) but I feel we are safe with it.... and I work full time and have a 2yr old, I need to sleep.
  • DD goes to bed around 9pm and gets up for the day around 7am.

    she wakes to eat usually around 3-4am.  Lately she's been waking up around 12:30-1am and takes a while to settle

  • It varies. Getting her to sleep has been quite the struggle lately. She screams like i am trying to kill her, but she is so exhausted! She was sttn from about 10 wks on, but lately it is as if she has forgotten how to self soothe. If she wakes up, she is going to make noise until I go in and give her the pacifier and then she goes right back to sleep. I wish she would go back to sucking on her hands when she wakes up. I know I shouldn't complain b/c she does sleep pretty well, but gettign up 2 times per night and getting broken sleep makes it rough for me to get up in the morning for work.
  • She has her last bottle around 7:15 pm then sleeps until maybe 2:30am (sometimes will go a little longer) then has a bottle then goes back down til 7am.
  • DS normally goes to bed at 7:30 (ish), wakes to eat around 4:00, is up for the day at 6:15, although I have to wake him then - left to his own devices, he'd go till 8ish. That said, last night he was up every two hours. :(
  • DD nurses last around 8 or 9.  I hold her/rock her to sleep after that.  We are now 1 week+ on STTN!

    ::Knocks on wood::

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  • Sleeps from 7-9:30, nurses and then will not go back down until midnight or 1AM. Wakes up at 4:30, 7:30 and 9:30.
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