I have 2 of them from the Top Chef show in size 6 months.
They will be 6 months tomorrow and the season finale is on. They will have their pictures taken on the couch, in those onesies, holding wooden spoons with the Top Chef cookbook in between them (possibly with squash on their faces).
Yes I am that mom and have been planning this pic before they were born. I may even send it to Bravo.
Now, if only I could have found itty bitty chef toques it'd be a perfect image.
Re: Tuesday Onesie Confession (RP for DD)
That is adorable! And kinds sounds like me with sytycd.
Or this.
I love it! I WISH I had a Top Chef onesie for L!
Also I am SOOOOOO jealous because I can't see the finale till Saturday us Canadians don't get it till then!
I wish I had time to do this.
I pph Top Chef.
I am praying that Kevin will win. I hope it isn't stupid like the year Elan won... that was totally rigged...Sam should have won.
OMG I LOVE it!!! Top Chef is my fave show ever and I asked for a chef coat and cookbook for Christmas. Cannot wait to see the PIP - and yes, send it to Bravo!
I didn't know they had onesies! ::runs off to buy::
I love you for so many reasons. 1 being your willingness to go all out for a Top Chef pic (can we still be friends if I confess that I've never seen an episode of TC?!) and the other, your bumping this up for me to see since you know I'm a Last Post Date idiot still.
This! Sounds too adorable!