Babies: 3 - 6 Months

question from 0-3 months - advice please!

I posted this on the 0-3 months page but I also thought that I would get some input from this page as well. 

My LO gets a pale yellow crusting behind his ears and sometimes in his inner eye.  It's most evident when he gets up in the morning.  He is fine otherwise - no fever, no fussiness, etc.  I have noticed it over the past couple of days.  Should I be worried?  Should I call the pediatrician's office?  I appreciate any input you ladies have.  Thanks in advance!

Re: question from 0-3 months - advice please!

  • I would just call the pedi if for no other reason than to ease your mind.  GL!
    "I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy." J.D. Salinger Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageDoubleDiamond:
    I would just call the pedi if for no other reason than to ease your mind.  GL!

    This :)

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  • yellow flaky skin is cradle cap and can be behind the ears and down the face as well. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagejenns123:
    yellow flaky skin is cradle cap and can be behind the ears and down the face as well. 
    This! We had a similar thing happening. Dr told us to use Selsen Blue on Ds and it went away super quick. We only had to use it once.
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