Babies: 3 - 6 Months

What activities do you do with your 3 month old baby all day?

I need some new ideas! I feel sometimes I am not doing enough and he is bored. He loves going out and people watching but we only have one car so that can;t always happen. We also listen to music, play in his activity gym, he watches his moving mobile, listen to xmas music on the radio, go out for walks as weather permits, read books....anything else that your baby loves to do?
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Re: What activities do you do with your 3 month old baby all day?

  • Before I go to work, LO and I do lots of singing. She loves it, and I pantomime the words and make her legs and arms move.
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  • I get down on his level and play with him on the floor.  other than that i pretty much do what you are doing.
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  • At 3 months, he was just getting into his playmat and playing with toys.  We also did tummy time, took walks, read books, etc.  He loved sitting in his bouncer at that point and watched intently as I cooked, cleaned, etc.
  • at 3 months they loved sitting in their  bumbo chairs.  they still do.  they will sit them and stare at anything - the wall, the window, the ceiling...

    I often put them in the chairs while I cook and explain to them what I am doing.  Or while I am doing laundry.  

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  • Sing. We used to do action songs (itsy-bitsy spider) or I would move her legs and arms to the beat (shake a rattle to the beat as well)...

    Dance around the room to music.  I would hold LO and move to the beat. 

    I can't remember if I did this at 3 or 4 months but I would put LO in front of a full length mirror for tummy time... she loved looking at herself.

    Other than that, sit them in a bouncer and let them watch you.  Or put them in a Baby Bjorn and do house work.  LO always used to fall asleep when I had her in ours.

  • DD loves being in the bjorn facing out - I just turned her a couple weeks ago though.

    Dance and sing along to music, activity play gym, sit in her high chair and watch me do 'stuff', she loves LOVES tummy time on me and will make sounds and nuzzle my neck, looking in the mirror, being outside doing anything, books...

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