Got to vent, or I will say something to the person and it would really hurt their feelings.
Seriously, how little understanding or respect do you have of marriage when you are 25 and been engaged 10 times (a couple of people more than once, but there would other in between). Marriage is a long term commitment. He broke off the last engagement 3 months ago. He doesn't seem to get that you can be in a relationship with someone longer than 2 months and it's ok not to get engaged.
Seriously. Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggg
sorry, I really had to get that out...
Re: NBR: a friend of DH has been engaged 10 times
Ok slow your roll there Ross Gellar.
That's a bit much. Ok it's a LOT much.
::cough:: co-dependant ::cough cough::
Good grief lol!
i'm curious--were there actual rings and proposals involved? did he reuse the same ring for different women?
Yes, and Yes. I think he cycled the rings out a couple of times.
I'm curious to see what happens when he actually makes it to the alter.
LOL Ross Gellar!