Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Napping is apparently against the rules now.

Hmmm.  My LO never went through a 4 month wakeful/sleep regression, but she's now fighting naps with all her baby might.

At home, she only goes down for 20 minutes max when she used to sleep for almost an hour.  At daycare this afternoon she only slept for 15 minutes the entire afternoon!

She's fighting being put down to sleep at her normal time too.  Luckily once she's down, she's actually down for the night.

Anyone go through anything similar?  My LO was napping every two hours, is it just time for her to adjust to staying up longer? 

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Re: Napping is apparently against the rules now.

  • What are these naps you are talking about? :(
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  • imagewater-fairy:
    What are these naps you are talking about? :(

    This.  And nighttime sleep isn't any better.  I started the bedtime process at 6:30pm, it's now 9:30 and he hasn't slept a wink.  I am at a loss. 

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  • This is how we are interpreting the 4 month sleep regression.  

    Nights are still generally ok, but its been a little tougher to get her down and she's been waking at 3am again.  

    Naps however are full out war.  I walk with her in the Mei Tai for a  minimum of 2 hours a day just to get a nap in.  For our other smaller usless naps, it takes at least 45 minutes to get her down.  I just got Elizabeth Pantley's No Cry Nap Solution and am hoping for the best. She has some great info on her web site. But I seriously feel like I am going to lose my mind over this nap thing.  Its terrible.

  • This is how my LO is with going down at night. I swear she'd stay up all night if I let her. And naps are almost nonexistent most days, unless its in the car.

    *sigh* I miss 2 hour naps.

  • Shes been fighting naps all day.  2- 45 min naps thats it.  Luckily when I relieved MIL after I got off work tonite DD fell asleep for me.  Hopefully she doesn't repeat tomorrow, poor thing was exhausted.
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  • Yep.

    DD was typically taking a 2 hour morning nap and then another hour to hour and a half afternoon nap (and maybe another cat nap here or there during the day). At around 5 1/2 months she just up and quit napping for more than 30 minutes. I can count on one hand the times she's napped for more than an hour in the last 3ish weeks. We've tried a few different things to see if she'll nap better but no luck. She's slept for about an hour total today and 35 of those 60 minutes were while out running errands.

    At least she still STTN but getting her down for the night is a challenge (she's moved her bedtime from 7:30pm to around 10 or 11pm) because she is so grumpy from not napping that she fights sleep. DH is walking around with her right now trying to settle her down. Sigh.

  • I feel everyones pain!  My will be 4 months Saturday and since the end of October she hasnt napped much at all.  She was sleeping 10 straight hours at night, but that in the past month has since just stopped! 

    I am so glad I am not alone, I thought it was just my LO, she will nap 30 min. max during a nap session.  Very hard to get anything accomplished.  And is now waking up at least 3x a night.  I hope it doesnt last until she is 6 months though.  The good thing is she isnt too bad to get down for the night, well until she wakes 3 hours later.

    The good thing about all of it is she is my second and my first was a horrible sleeper and still hates napping but I know the rough parts wont last forever. 

    Good luck ladies!  Gonna go to bed before she wakes up! :)

  • This is happening to me too.  He used to nap every three hours and sleep for an hour. Now he got maybe 2 naps for 30 min.  and it's a huge fight all day long.
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