Babies: 3 - 6 Months's slow...

what should we talk about girls?

anyone's LO had a rough day? Mine...holly CRAP was she fussy and her nose was running so much. She literally cried for an hour, then slept on my chest for almost 2hr. Sad

Re:'s slow...

  • today was a good day...bc DD got shots and slept a lot LOL
  • DD is actually doing really well.  The antibiotics are really working for her ear infection, I think.  She slept so well all night and was in a great mood and took a 3 hour nap for my mom, and saw Santa.  Now she's sleeping soundly again.  I'm sorry your LO had such a bad day.  I've come to find, when they have a bad day, we have a bad day!
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  • I'm here!! I haven't been on in a few days because Noah has been so fussy. We have had a rough time since thurs. when he had his 4month shots and now he has a cold so I have been exhausted in every way.

  • imageJessied1982:

    I'm here!! I haven't been on in a few days because Noah has been so fussy. We have had a rough time since thurs. when he had his 4month shots and now he has a cold so I have been exhausted in every way.

    this is exactly what happend with DD! She got her 4mo shots last Mon and Wed got a horrible cold. GL to you!! It's been rough, she has slept the past two nights so that's been a good sign but her days are tough.

  • imagekaylenpar1:
    DD is actually doing really well.  The antibiotics are really working for her ear infection, I think.  She slept so well all night and was in a great mood and took a 3 hour nap for my mom, and saw Santa.  Now she's sleeping soundly again.  I'm sorry your LO had such a bad day.  I've come to find, when they have a bad day, we have a bad day!

    SO glad your DD is doing good! A big day...seeing santa, how'd she do?

    I think DD is on the mend because she's slept 12hrs the past two nights, her days are just tough cause her nose is draining so bad.  

  • butting in.. my day kinda sucked.. I work nights So every week I work 12 hour  nights sunday through tuesday. So I am on three off four which is great but.. I miss my lo because for three days all I do is sleep and work. And he stays at the inlaws for the day. So my point is I seen my lo for 15mins today! Crying
  • imageKdCarr21:
    butting in.. my day kinda sucked.. I work nights So every week I work 12 hour  nights sunday through tuesday. So I am on three off four which is great but.. I miss my lo because for three days all I do is sleep and work. And he stays at the inlaws for the day. So my point is I seen my lo for 15mins today! Crying

    that sucks, I'm sorry! try to remember to enjoy the time you do get...I'm sure LO loves every minute with his Momma!

  • imageMrs Kittle:

    butting in.. my day kinda sucked.. I work nights So every week I work 12 hour  nights sunday through tuesday. So I am on three off four which is great but.. I miss my lo because for three days all I do is sleep and work. And he stays at the inlaws for the day. So my point is I seen my lo for 15mins today! Crying

    that sucks, I'm sorry! try to remember to enjoy the time you do get...I'm sure LO loves every minute with his Momma!

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