Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Vacation Suggestions?

Do you have any vacation suggestions? My husband and I would like to go somewhere that is baby friendly, warm in February, and not too far from us--we are thinking Florida or the Caribbean. Have you gone on vacation with your little one and have suggestions? (My baby will be around 5 months by then--which is why I'm posting to this board.)

 Thanks for your help!

Re: Vacation Suggestions?

  • All I can say is that I'm jealous! I know nothing around that area but my cousin goes to Sanibel (sp?) Island every winter/spring and LOVES it.
  • You might have better luck asking 6-12!  I'm jealous, I'm sure you'll have a blast wherever you choose.

    I personally would probably stay in the US until my LO is a bit older just for convenience sake.  

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