Babies: 3 - 6 Months

So my OB lectured me today on my child not STTN

He said that she should be sleeping through the night and if I continue to feed her or comfort her when she wakes up then I'm going to have a big problem on my hands. He basically said to let her CIO because she needs to learn to self soothe. That she's not going to die from one missed feeding and that she and I will both be better in the long run. Needless to say it was a very interesting gyno appt

Re: So my OB lectured me today on my child not STTN

  • haha you should have said something like "oh, i thought you specialized in the female reproductive system, not infant sleep." Stick out tongue
  • i am not anti sleep training and I find that ridiculous.  If a baby is hungry, they should be fed.  And an OB should stick to the hoohaa and leave the babies to the peds.
    EDD with #4  01-20-14
    Proud mama to a boys-  6/17/09 - a girl 2/23/11- and a boy 8/20/12

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  • Does sound interesting.  DS is still waking up 2-3 times (if not more) a night.  I still have to feed him.  Some nights when BF knows I'm REALLY tired he tries and gets him to go right back to sleep, but most of the time I still have to nurse him.
  • And why is your Gyno putting his or her 2 cents in??? Isn't that your pedi's job?
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Be glad he's your OB and not your SO!  It's not like you were asking him to take the 1 am to 4 am shift. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageMrsWanee:
    haha you should have said something like "oh, i thought you specialized in the female reproductive system, not infant sleep." Stick out tongue


    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • What does your ped say? I just went to my son's 4 month appointment and she told me he should be sleeping all night (7:30 til 6:30). I would not take the advice from my OB if she told me the same thing though! ha!
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  • I get the same thing from EVERYONE. Pedi, gyno, ILs - it never ends. Eh. I am the mom, I get to make the choices on what my baby needs.
  • I probably would have throat punched him.
  • How annoying. Do not listen to him.  My 2 older children were not sleeping through the night at 5 months and they are both great sleepers.  They are asleep by 7:30 and awake between 6 and 7, only waking to use the bathroom.  I do not even listen to my ped about sleeping, I know what my baby needs at night and I know how he sleeps the best.
    Smiley: April '05 Rocky: May '06 Tex: July '09
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