Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Spitting up

Natalie has been spitting up a lot more then usual. She has been taking her reflux meds and it's not like vomit. She never spit up in the past but she's already spit up about 4 times today. She's also been drooling a ton and extra fussy. Any idea why she would be spitting up more than usual? Please diagnose my child, Dr. bump!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker NATALIE - 9/13/09 HANNAH - 6/8/12

Re: Spitting up

  • i read that when they're teething, they swallow their drool, which makes them spit up. my LO never spit up until a few weeks ago and now he does a lot. he's also teething and drooling buckets.
  • What meds is she on?
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  • Is she eating more? Are you burping enough? Simple, dumb questions, I know! DD never spit up until she hit almost 3 months. As she's increased her intake it's only gotten worse.
  • imageSLO2005:
    What meds is she on?

    She is on half a tablet of prevacid twice a day and 1/2 tsp of an antibiotic (can't remember the name of it) that she takes twice a day.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker NATALIE - 9/13/09 HANNAH - 6/8/12
  • She's only eats 3-4 oz still which is the same as always. I usually burp her and try and get two out so I'm pretty sure she is burped enoough.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker NATALIE - 9/13/09 HANNAH - 6/8/12
  • my LO also drools a ton (just turned 3 months today) and spits up all the time and is on zantac for acid reflux.  Doctors says it is normal.   She is less fussy than before the zantac so we are happy!
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