When did it get better? DD has reflux and has always been a big spitter, but it has gotten a lot worse in the last month (probably due to her being more active/mobile). The pedi has us adding 1 tablespoon of rice cereal to every 2 ounces of formula to make it "heavier" to help with the spitting up. She also put DD on Reglan to help, but it had too many side effects so we took her off of it after only 1 day on it.
I have read it can be up to 12 months?!? Please tell me this isn't true! DD wants to try to sit up but every time she does she spits up a ton.
Re: Moms of LOs who spit up ALL the time...
I have no real answer because it hasn't gotten better for us, but my pedi told me today that they usually grow out of it around a year. ::cries::
I have heard that sometimes when you start solids it gets a little better.