DS has not pooped since last Wednesday. He is a mess!! This happened a few weeks ago, it was only 3 days, though. THe pedi on call told me to give him 2 oz of water and if that didn't work do 1/2 a children's suppository (that did the trick last time).
He won't drink the water (we can barely get him to take a bottle as it is) and he keep squeezing out the suppository! I try to gently hold it in but after a few "in and outs" (man... that just sounds sick!), he starts to cry hysterically so I gave up.
I know babies can go through this, but isn't 5 days a little TOO long? Any suggestions? By 8p he'sa screaming mess and he is usually a very content little guy. Help!
Re: 4 month old BF ds constipated?
Liam is 5!
DD went 7-10 days for like 3 or 4 months straight. Doc said it was fine as long as when it came out it was still mush.
She was a gassy stanky mess, and poop day = bath day LOL
my read shelf:
This was DD, too.
We would mix an oz of pear juice with an oz of water and feed it to her with a dropper (since she wouldn't take a bottle). She would go pretty quickly after giving it to her.
By the way, I'm not say to stop BF and switch to formula, I only switched because I was having major supply issues. I just thought it was odd that DD was fine after we switched, I thought switching to formula would make it worse.
my read shelf:
Thanks ladies!! The pedi did tell me last week that it was normal (this was not the same pedi that told me to do the water or suppository), but I just feel bad for him b/c he is obviously uncomfortable.
He, too, is a gassy, stanky mess. I may try some water in a syringle and see what that does. DS1 takes Miralax every day so I was actually wondering if that used it this young. DS1 was never constipated until he was a toddler, so this is all new territory to me!
I swear he's either pooping every 10 minutes or not for days!! For some reason, only when he's constipated, when I hold him like I"m going to nurse him he flips out. I thought it was an ear infection (why I took him in last week), but it's not. So maybe his belly hurts worse when he's lying down? He hasn't been sleeping well either.
Poor little man. I will ROLL if his explosiong happens tomorrow when my IL's are watching the boys. My MIL is afraid of dirty diapers I think... she will lose her mind if all hell breaks loose (literally).
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