Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Teething irritability?

Share your experiences!  I am in the process of trying to figure out of DD is coming down with something or if she is teething :/  My DS got his teeth with very very minor grief so if this sudden irritability in my DD is teething it is new to me, but at the same time she doesn't have a fever or any other obvious signs of illness so I'm not sure.  She goes to the Dr Wednesday for her 4 mos appt so I will ask then unless she gets worse before then in which I will go sooner.  She will be happy one minute and screaming the next, woke up twice last night and usually doesn't wake up, and just hasn't seemed herself but it seems to come in spurts, she's not miserable every second of every minute, etc. 

Re: Teething irritability?

  • i just got on to post pretty much the same question. all dd wants to do is scream and sleep, then play. not interested in eating, no other illness symptoms. i'm going crazy.
  • That is how my son acted when he started teething.  I kept thinking it had to be too early to teeth, but it really wasn't.  It lasted about a month with me.  Most days were fine, but he would have days like you described.  Right before he turned 5 months his first tooth broke through.  One thing I would do is give him a cold wet washcloth when he was upset.  This would usually make him quite crying which reassured me that the teeth were the issue instead of something else.
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