I am boggled by this phrase. According to most sleep 'experts,' DD's wakeful period at 3months old is 1.5 hours. I try to watch for her sleepy cues and just start rocking/singing to/being low-key with her no matter what by 1hour of wakefulness to try to ensure she's napping by the 1.5 hour mark. It never works and she never becomes drowsy during this time. I gave up and put her in the swing for the last half hour and she's finally fallen asleep after 2.5hours of being awake. I always find it funny when people say in their posts that they 'just "put" LO down for a nap.' like it's just that easy. for us it's an hour long process to get 45min of napping out of her. How the heck do you do it?
Re: How do you 'put them down for a nap'?
Oh, we're like you - there's no intentional "putting down" for naps. If she falls asleep or it looks like she's about to pass out, I'm trying to put her in her crib (though that's new as of yesterday - normally we'd just let her sleep in our arms or wherever).
So yeah, I'm with you.
Well, for us...it's a mixed bag of marbles. lol
Some days we can just lay DS in his crib and he goes right to sleep on his own. And other days he has to be rocked, walked around, given a bottle, ect. So ya never know. I think it's worse for DS if we wait until he's 'over tired'...you have to recognize his cues and put him down right then. A minute too late and it turns into chaos!!
I agree with you! It takes a sink, a vacuum, rocking and shushig to get my guy down,
And the process doesn't work until he's already crying from being overtired -usually after 1.5-2hrs of being awake.
At your baby's age, my LO was still napping on top of me or in my bed with me.
Right now, I'm having a little more success. I try to give him 2 hours of awake time before TRYING to go "down" for a nap. I rock him quietly (I don't sing or talk) until his eyes close. Then I move him to his crib. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
And 1.5 hour naps?!!? HAHAHAHA... never happens. In fact, LO is rousing now, after 45 minutes of sleeping on his own. I don't know what a 1.5 hour nap is like. It's ok, some babies are cat nappers.
On the weekends DS naps in his crib. I just wait until he's obviously tired (rubbing his eyes, cranky, etc), go into his room rock him for a minute or two and lay him down. He's usually out before I lay him down though. He'll nap anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours..just depends. But at FIL's house he naps in the pnp, not sure how he puts him down for naps.
Sounds like you're trying to put her down before she's really tired. Try waiting longer and see if that's any easier. Good luck!
I rock him until he's drowsy then I lay him down. We use a humidifier for white noise. Lately though I have had to sing to him...he's really starting to get fussy with the whole process.
1 hour seems too soon (with the exception of maybe the first nap). I would try 1.5-2 hours between naps. DS goes 2 hours to avoid over-stimulation.
nope. never said that. just 1.5 hours of wakefulness.
Oh ok, nevermind. My bad.
For me, it means picking him up from whatever he's doing as soon as he shows tired signs (rubbing eyes, mostly, sometimes yawning), giving him a paci and holding him close until his eyelids begin to droop (up until yesterday, I also swaddled him).
I put him in his crib after about 5-10 minutes of quiet holding/soothing and he usually sleeps for 2 hours or so (sometimes I have to soothe him back to sleep at the 40 minute mark).?
He can usually only be up for 90 minutes - sometimes as little as an hour, in the mornings, sometimes as long as 2 hours.?
lol. sorry. i sounded kinda beeotchy there. didn't mean to be. i just wanted to clarify that no one thought i expected 1.5 hour naps out of her! that hasnt happened since she was 6w old!
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