Babies: 3 - 6 Months

For those who do Eat-Play-Sleep...

how do you get your LO to sleep?? ?I am trying to break the nursing-sleep association with my little guy, but he is not the type of kid who is drowsy while playing then falls asleep. ?It takes a lot of effort in general to get him to sleep and stay that way. ?So after the eating and playing, how do you get them to sleep? ?Rocking--or does that create another bad habit? ?Please give your tips!

Re: For those who do Eat-Play-Sleep...

  • she gets fussy towards the 45 min mark of playing, so then we hang out in the rocker for about 10 minutes and she'll fall asleep. The keys for her are to keep her warm with blankets over her, and keep the rocking going a lot - not too gentle. Oh and a paci.


  • I sometimes do eat, play, sleep. When I do, she falls asleep in the rocker, swing or stroller. Pacis help too. If she falls asleep eating, I let her stay asleep. I figure as long as she doesn't do that every time it's fine.

    As far as forming habits, it seems like everything you do could potentially form a habit, so I just do what works for us. Sometimes I let her do things the "experts" don't recommend (like fall asleep nursing) because it's in all of our best interest. For instance, if I don't get things done around the house I get stressed out. And, if DD doesn't get several naps during the day she's fussy and cranky all night.

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  • he gets tired after 1.5 hours of being awake. i put him in my sling w/ a paci and walk around until he falls asleep. he refuses his crib for naps which sucks!
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