we have gone through 3 onesies and a pair of pjs.
PJs and onesie #1 got puked on. Onesie #2 got puked on while I was on the phone talking to a recruiter, along with my arm. Onesie #3 just went through the worst poosplosion I've seen yet.
This means she's done for the day, right? I'm going to keep telling myself that.
Re: It's 10am and...
DD actually pooped through her diaper, and it was on the floor yesterday. She was in her jumperoo, so it was all over her onesie, her jumperoo and the floor. We found out when the dog was licking it off the floor under her jumperoo. DISGUSTING!
She is probably not done yet for the day....she may go through a few more outfits!
LOL! Luckily I start feeling like crap mid afternoon with this LO. With Molly I was sick all day.
Everything comes in threes, so yes you are done.
ps...good luck today!
Thanks! She actually called this morning to reschedule for Weds, BUT they have 2 openings (one I didn't know about) and want to talk to me about both of them. SO, I am bummed she rescheduled, excited that I have better odds!
Thank you!
She was up for the day at 5:30, but we already got a nap in this morning so I think I am good to go for the day! If she would only stop waking up every 2 hours to eat 5:30 wouldn't seem so bad!
The wait is worth better odds! Hooray!
This just made me almost spit coffee all over my keyboard! It's gross and hilarious all at the same time! I can totally see my dogs doing that.