I can't get her head to cool off! She doesn't have a fever--I've checked twice. (Both Rectal:99.3 then 98.9). Ive let her be naked baby to try to cool her off, tried putting her in a cool room, even put her in her walker with a cool rag on her head. She loved how it felt but her head is still very warm to the touch.
Our Pedi doesn't open till 9:30 and I don't have a car at home with me. My mom says she's probably fine since she doesn't have a fever, but I'm going to call just in case when the Pedi opens.
She is teething, could that have something to do with it? She hasn't been drinking much lately, and has been sleeping a LOT.
Please help!
Re: Hot Head? Please Help!
DS had stomach flu last week and we gave him 2 oz of pedialyte in his bottle with formula to keep him hydrated. He never had a fever so we didn't do tylenol. He had diarrhea for about a week and wasn't sleeping well. Good luck!