This is our first year of sending those photo Christmas cards. In the past, for most people, I write a standard greeting/message and mail, but for a few, I write a short little personalized message.
There are a few people that I'd like to write a few words for - - how do you do this w/ a picture card? I could write on the back, but would the recipient even check out the back? Or would the pressure from the pen show thru? I could slap a post-it on there, but that's kinda strange...Not sure how to put a few extra words on the cards. Help please!
Re: ? for those who send photo Xmas cards
Im lazy too! But if you want to write something, Id use a sharpie/sharpie type pen so it doesnt press into the photo card.
Oooh! I have a sharpie pen! That might work!
And's super nice that for 99%, I don't need to write anything! I even printed address labels!
I'm lazy too (hence the need for photo cards this year!)
Where did you find your sharpie pen? I have looked everywhere and cant find them.
Mama to William Nathaniel - October 7, 2006
And Natalie Frances - June 24, 2010
Update (in case anyone cares - lol!)
I have a fine point and ultra fine point. I tried w/ both, and both worked fine (didn't bleed thru the pic), but the ultra fine was the winner. Bonus: I even had a green one (festive!)