Yesterday morning (and the previous night) I had a lot of cramping, my back was aching, and I had a lot of pressure in my pelvic area. I called the nurse that follows my home monitoring and she said she would call my dr to tell them I was coming in since she felt I needed to be checked out.
I go in and they monitor all the babies (they were fine) and they monitored my contractions. I didn't have any. I told them that on the way there (about an hour drive) that I was having them and each time I got one the pressure in my pelvic area intensified greatly.
Now maybe I'm crazy, but shouldn't they have checked my cervix to make sure everything was okay? They didn't. They said because there were no contractions on the monitor during the hour I was there they weren't going to check me.
Re: Not happy with L&D trip yesterday (vent/??)
I have had both scenarios happen. Same symptoms as you and then no contractions at the hospital. One time they checked me and another time they did not. I get mixed answers.
First time I heard that they do not like to check too often so if you are not contracting they do not feel a need to check. That was my first visit. Then this past week when I was having contractions and scar pain from previous C, they checked me even though I was going to the doc the next morning. No contractions in the hospital in that case either.
Seems to me that it just depends on who you get in triage. This was my experience.
Sometimes it is better to err on the side of caution. You were no longer contracting, and an internal exam can START contractions. Thus, it may have been safer to not examine you.
I very rarely get exams, and I am high risk for pre-term labor. My docs figure the exams won't give additional information and are more risky than beneficial.