
Clicky Poll

Cause I am bored and don't want to work, lol.[Poll]

Re: Clicky Poll

  • I voted for TX.  The number would be very middle class in CA or NY, but it TX it is pretty well to do.
  • this is too hard to answer, really.  COL is such a huge factor.

    I know plenty of people in our area who would claim $250K/year still puts you in the middle class.  That is insane in my mind.

    But if someone saw our tax returns, they might think we were living pretty well when in actuality we have a dinky little TH, 2 older cars and mostly IKEA furniture.  I'm not complaining too much, as I feel like we are pretty lucky to have some money in savings and no real fear of losing a job.  But how we live does not FEEL upper-middle class, which is what the gov't thinks we are.

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