North Carolina Babies

Please pray for Kathryn

Poor thing started running a fever today, but I didn't get too worried because it only got to 102.4.  But, she's not eating now and complaining she doesn't feel well, and will run to the bathroom, but then just sit there, NOTHING comes out.  I don't even think she's peed since she got up from nap.  We gave her some motrin, and she's acting better then she's acted all day...but the part that has me concerned is that she's complaining that it hurts on the back of her head, right at the base where the neck meets the head.  She doesn't have and neck stiffness, and she's not vomiting, so I'm not overly concerned.  Its probably just her migraines coming back.  We will be going to the doctor tomorrow just to make sure.  I just hate seeing her not feel good!  Thanks ladies!

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