I think there are a few of us with toddlers in preschool. Are you getting the teachers Christmas gifts? Ashley goes twice a week for 3 hours each day and she has two teachers. I assume I should get them gifts, but I am not really sure how much to spend and really what to even get them? I am just curious what you all are doing.
Re: Presents for Preschool Teachers?
We actually got a form this morning that each teacher filled out about what they liked (stores, food, treats, restaurants, snacks, etc.) with a note from the director that a number of people had asked for this information and while it is, by no means expected, she wanted to provide us with it so we could use it to help buy a gift if we so desired.
I was actually going to contact a few other mothers in her class and see if anyone wanted to go together so we could get them something nice. If that doesn't work, I am going the gift card route from one of the places they listed on their form and will spend probably $20 per teacher since there are only two of them and they are beyond amazing to her.
As a former teacher, I'd like to say a big AMEN to that! However, if you go with something from Bath & Body Works (like the handsoap - love it!) & they don't like the scent, they can always take it back & switch it out.
My Sweet Girls
I'm the Room Mom for Brooks class. The Director has given a survey to the teachers about fave rest, hobby, etc so that we can offer all the moms to go in together to get a gift card if they are interested.
I'm also planning to give a small gift from Brooks because I really like his teachers. I have a friend who has a business that makes soaps - really cool soaps - and I'm planning on getting them each some soap too. Here's the website if you are interested: Essential Journeys Soap
***Baby #3: BFP Mother