North Carolina Babies

Christmas Letter Poll...

I was just wondering everyone's thoughts about these.  Some friends and I got into a discussion about them and it was very interesting to hear what some people thought.   

Personally, I love them and love reading them and get so disappointed when I just get a photo in the mail with no note or hello.  I love to see what people have been up to.

I will admit though, that I do have one friend who goes way overboard and I have to roll my eyes at hers every year because it is never less than 3 pages long and she pretty fills you in on everything including how many diapers she changed each day. 

ETA: By Christmas Letter, I mean a newsletter type thing with what you and your family have been up to over the previous year. 


Re: Christmas Letter Poll...

  • I would love to get Christmas letters from friends, but I think I got maybe 5 Christmas/Holiday cards last year. Granted I haven't sent any out since we got married, either.
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  • I voted for choice 3.

    We do something a little different...we send out a card or photocard with  a note to visit our family website for a link to our Year in Photos. The link is to a photo collage from the year with some funny comments. The service is If you want to see what one of these looks like, PM me and I'll send over the link. 

    We got lots of great comments and only the people who WANT to  know what's going on bother looking at it.


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  • Hmmm, I'm on the fence about them.  I love finding out what is happening in people's lives.  However, when I read some of them I feel as if the parent is going a little overboard with the bragging.  I guess that only pertains to older children though.  I don't think people would find it braggish if I said, "yep, dear son has finally found the dog's food and water bowl"  Big Smile  (our lives are boring!)
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  • This poll is very interesting to me, my mom and I were talking about this last night. I love these letters, and I don't see where people are coming from with the bragging thing (maybe that just means I've never read a braggy one!). I think it's great to read if the Smith's kid was on the honor roll all year and is student council president-  is that bragging?

    We do have some distant cousins that are VERY well off and their newsletter is usually sprinkled with mentions of their trips abroad and  their summers spent on their yacht. But I mean, that's just their lifestyle, I truly don't think they are bragging- that's just what they did! I don't know, maybe it's more about tone than content?

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  • imagejenhum:

    This poll is very interesting to me, my mom and I were talking about this last night. I love these letters, and I don't see where people are coming from with the bragging thing (maybe that just means I've never read a braggy one!). I think it's great to read if the Smith's kid was on the honor roll all year and is student council president-  is that bragging?

    We do have some distant cousins that are VERY well off and their newsletter is usually sprinkled with mentions of their trips abroad and  their summers spent on their yacht. But I mean, that's just their lifestyle, I truly don't think they are bragging- that's just what they did! I don't know, maybe it's more about tone than content?

    Don't get me wrong, these letters are few and far between.  You also have to know the person that sends them, bragging is part of their personality.  (example:  We bought 2 brand new cars this year to accommodate our growing needs as the little one arrived.  We also bought a new house and a huge flatscreen tv to go along with it...etc)  Granted, I know this is their life and they are sharing it with us.  However, I could take it better if they threw the words "We are thankful we have been blessed with these fortunate times..." (or something of the sort).  I think I could also take it better if someone else sent it.  Does that make sense? 

    I definitely don't think making the honor roll, etc is bragging.  Kids have to work their rears off to accomplish such things.  Those are accomplishments that should be shared!!  

    I know only a few nesties IRL but from what I can tell, none of you have the "braggadocios" heir about you that I was referring to above.   

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  • I enjoy them but I have one friend that goes overboard. Everything in her life is just perfect, according to her letter. She even mentions her cats in her newsletter. She had twins earlier this year, so I just can't wait to see what her newsletter looks like this year :)
  • I think sometimes they can be a little too personal.  The person sending needs to have a good sense of tact.  I really don't need to know too many details of your personal issues.

    My sweet boy :)
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  • I voted, but honestly don't ever get letters.  I can't think of the last time I received a single one.  So maybe it's just not common in my circle of friends and family.  But if I voted on what I think I would think of Christmas letters!  I've always thought about doing one, but thought it might be corny based on the fact that no one else does them.

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  • imagewithoutshoes:
    I don't think people would find it braggish if I said, "yep, dear son has finally found the dog's food and water bowl"  Big Smile  (our lives are boring!)

    I would love to read something like this in a Christmas letter, lol!

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  • imagewithoutshoes:

    Don't get me wrong, these letters are few and far between.  You also have to know the person that sends them, bragging is part of their personality.  (example:  We bought 2 brand new cars this year to accommodate our growing needs as the little one arrived.  We also bought a new house and a huge flatscreen tv to go along with it...etc) 

    Haha- It would definitely be funny/annoying to get a letter like that! I totally understand what you're saying though- I guess if you know a person is a braggart in real life, their letters would be annoying too.

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