Monday November 9, 2009
I had my 38 week checkup with the doctor. By BP was high somy OB sent me to L&D at the hospital to be monitored. She said that if my BP went down we would schedule the c-section for November 13th but that if it didn?t go down she would come in and do the c-section that day. After a few hours at the hospital they sent me home and we were on the schedule for 10am on November 13th.
Friday November 13, 2009
I hadn?t been sleeping and had FINALLY gone to bed and was asleep when I felt my water break. It wasn?t a huge gush but I knew instantly what it was and I was awake in an instant. I stood up and a ton of fluid came pouring out. I made it to the bathroom and started calling for DH. I called the doctor?s office and the after hours service and left a message. We were supposed to be at the hospital at 10 for our scheduled c-section since DS was breech.
DD was fast asleep so we had to take her over to my Mom. We dropped Brenna off and headed to the hospital. I started having hard contractions in the car and I kept telling DH to drive faster. I looked over and he was only doing 60!
We got to the hospital about 5:30 left all of our bags and everything in the car, and rushed upstairs. The doctor had called ahead and they got me into a room right away. The nurse says that they?ve moved me to the front of the line and that I?d have my c-section at 7:30 . Then she starts to examine me and says ?Uh oh, I feel toes?and a knee?. She goes back out to call the doctor and suddenly there was a lot of activity in the room. They gave scrubs to DH to put on, the anesthesiologist came in and started explaining what was about to happen. It all happened SO fast.
The next thing I know they are wheeling me into the OR and sending DH down to get dressed. He came in, they started the c-section and at 6:46 Jackson Drake was born!
My water broke at 3:43 and he was born at 6:46 . That was fast!
Re: Baby Jack has arrived!!
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
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