
Is this normal? re: feeling "weird"

So I am 30 weeks (as of yesterday) and I just can't put my finger on the "weird" feeling that I am having. I can walk all day long, but when I stand in one place for even 15 seconds (and I'm not exagerating) I feel lightheaded and my arms and legs feel hot. Its hard to breathe and I just overall feel "off." I understand that I will feel more tired since its twins, but I didn't feel like this ever with DS. My BP is fine and I just drank a protein shake, so I doubt that its low blood sugar (because it happens all the time) Has someone else felt like this before? I have a dr appt tomorrow so I will ask her then, but just wondering if anyone else has had this problem.

Re: Is this normal? re: feeling "weird"

  • I'm not really sure.  I have "off" feelings too, almost like panic attacks sometimes.  I feel weak, light headed and feel like I can't catch my breath.  Sometimes it happens when I'm just sitting on the couch, but it usually only lasts a few mins.

    I mentioned it to my OB, but she brushed it off to stress, low BP, and overall pregnancy issues.  She told me to just rest and sip water when it happens, or change my position if I am sitting.

    GL tomorrow, hopefully your OB will say it is nothing.

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