that LO#2 will be the opposite? I've heard so many people say that - please tell me it's possible to have 2 "good" babies - good eaters, sleepers, not crying all the time, etc.
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We thought DS was an unbelievably good baby and DD blows him away. Both are great sleepers (DD sttn at 6 weeks and is EBF) and just great dispositions - totally happy and smiley.
It is definitely possible! Everyone tells us we hit the baby lottery twice. GL!
Both of ours are "good" babies, though DS is NOT a good sleeper...DD STTN at six weeks and DS still wakes up twice a night to eat. He just seems to have an insatiable appetite though...
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We thought DS was an unbelievably good baby and DD blows him away. Both are great sleepers (DD sttn at 6 weeks and is EBF) and just great dispositions - totally happy and smiley.
It is definitely possible! Everyone tells us we hit the baby lottery twice. GL!
This makes me happy. DS was an amazingly easy going baby. I have my fingers crossed for DC#2.
Re: So DS is such a good baby, does that mean...
We thought DS was an unbelievably good baby and DD blows him away. Both are great sleepers (DD sttn at 6 weeks and is EBF) and just great dispositions - totally happy and smiley.
It is definitely possible! Everyone tells us we hit the baby lottery twice. GL!
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
I have had THREE BAD SLEEPERS!!!! As for everything else, DD#1 was my toughest/fussiest baby. DD#2 more relaxed, and DS is way more relaxed.
It's only the sleeping that I always have a rough time with - all 3 are BF, and they are all on the low end of the weight charts.
This makes me happy. DS was an amazingly easy going baby. I have my fingers crossed for DC#2.