Hey girls! My EDD is 3/23/2010. I am trying to figure out what type of clothing we will need for the summer months in NC. Will I need long sleeve/pant type clothing? It gets so hot here yet there are places that we may go that have air conditioning. I have gotten a few pieces like this from family and I'm not sure if I should keep or exchange them.
Re: Clothing Question from first timer.
I agree with ECU! DS was born May 28 and I still did use some of the light cotton pants when we were in the ac. I'd strip him down to a onsie if we went out though, it gets so hot in the car! There were even a few times we cooled the car down before we put him in it toward the end of summer.
Allie was born March 6... due March 21. It was snowing the weekend before she was born and 80 degrees the day she was born. We didn't have any long sleeved clothes, except sleepers for her. We had blankets, that covered her in her carseat. And we kept her wrapped in blankets most of the time.