My uncle passed away on Tuesday night. He has been very ill for awhile, so it was expected. We're going to the funeral on Saturday, and will be bringing Holly since a lot of that side of my family has not met her.
I know this topic has been brought up recently, but anything I should be prepared for? We're thinking that we should pretty much just sit on the end of a row, and have DH ready take her outside of she starts being loud. Is this a reasonable plan? If so, I'm pretty sure they'll end up sitting outside the whole time. She's not a quiet one anymore. :-) I won't be as worried about the graveside part since it's outside, just the inside the funeral home part..
Re: Babies & funerals
So sorry for your loss. If you plan on taking Holly in -- Id sit on the last row and not with the family, just in case. If you can get DH to watch her while the service is going on that would probably be best though. That way you could be with family.
I'll say -- that if it was my Aunt or Uncle -- I probably wouldnt take Alex or at least try to find someone to keep him during the service. If it was a grandparent - Alex would be by my side, with a quick escape route planned. I dont think its a one size fits all thing -- so you just have to figure out what is your best option.
And Im so sorry for your loss!
Yeah, she is definitely expected there, by my aunt--the widow. I will either have DH just sit outside with her, or have an easy escape route.
I disagree. If it is immediate family, I do not see anything wrong with bringing your child. My grandmother passed away in September and we brought Ashley to the viewing, the funeral and the graveside service. Many people told us they were so happy to have her there. She was my grandmother's only greatgrandchild and I felt it was right to have her there and all of my family agreed. Also, there was NO ONE to watch her b/c they were all at the funeral! I am sure Holly will be a perfect angel and all of your family will appreciate her being there