Upstate NY Babies

Engorgement and not the flu?

Could I be feeling crappy and flu like due to engorgement? I forget if I felt like this before or not! lol

I have taken 4 doses of Tamiflu, yet woke up feeling like I have been hit by a truck! The sore throat is gone, very low or no fever.

We have dropped almost 3 feeding per day about 5 days ago (only 1x per night and every 3 hours now during the day). I hope this is the cause, although this sucks too!


Re: Engorgement and not the flu?

  • I never really dealt with much engorgement, but from what I know, I would think you'd only feel THAT crappy if you did end up with mastitis.. Do you have any other signs of it?
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
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  • honestly....idk. I haven't looked at a book to know what the signs are!
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  • Hmm, now that I think about it...

    Last year the day after thanksgiving I got REALLY sick. I has a 102 fever, super achey, didnt feel like eating and my chest was hot to the touch. I wonder if it had an correlation to letting everyone feed the "new baby" bottles instead of me nursing.

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