First off, thanks for your responses!
Turns out the muchkin was tested and diagnosed with Influenza A, which the doctor said is typically H1N1, but considering regular flu season is official in full swing, it's not a guarantee that it's H1N1. It could be whatever strain it wants to be, but chances are probable that it's H1N1. Fromt he CDC website: "Most rapid tests cannot distinguish which influenza virus is responsible for the illness."
If it is H1N1, I should be safe. Again, checking with the CDC page, there is a 2 week period in which the vaccine needs to create antibodies and I'm well past that time! Good news!
Also, the midwife felt COMPLETELY comfortable with the "wait and see" approach. She left the decision up to me whether or not I wanted to take the tamiflu as a preventative, which I got since I'll be out of town from tomorrow to all weekend and I'll be in close contact with others and not just shut up in the house for the weekend. BUT, it did make me feel better that she was urging me to take it. I figured if she was in a panic over me getting sick then I would have more to worry about.
Lala, in response to the whole incubation period after the fever breaks, (from my understanding) the CDC says that you should stay home 24 hrs after you are fever-free (without fever reducing meds). This is a "change" they say from the week-long period recommended before. Here's the link for the whole thing:
"CDC recommends that people with influenza-like illness remain at home until at least 24 hours after they are free of fever (100? F [37.8?C]), or signs of a fever without the use of fever-reducing medications.
This is a change from the previous recommendation that ill persons stay home for 7 days after illness onset or until 24 hours after the resolution of symptoms, whichever was longer."
It still depends on the setting your child would be in - would it be filled with "high risk" people or not? If not, then you don't HAVE to do the week long waiting period. If so, it's still suggested.
So, overall, I should be fine!
Re: H1N1 Update
Glad they are not too worried!
Yeah, Chloe was technically fine 24 hrs after her fever broke but everyone who was exposed to her (DH, Me, and Kiera) could still come down with H1N1 up to a week after her fever was gone. That is why we stayed home. Just in case we were coming down with it and had no idea, I didn't want to get anyone else sick. I was not worried about Chloe spreading it since she was fever free, but since we were exposed we could still contract and spread it. We could have felt fine all day, hung out with people, but but feel bad later in the day and would have spread it not knowing we were sick. Make sense?
Oh, ok! I thought you were saying that Chloe could still be "sick" even after the fever was broke, but you meant anyone she could have infected while she was sick had an incubation period up to a week after the fever broke. Now I get it. That would really suck, I must say. Person A is finally fever free and all better and then all the other family members get sick a week later, but isn't that the way it always is? I remember it happening like that when I was a kid - illness was the never ending circle in our house! Darn fall/winter season!