North Carolina Babies

Question about flying

So, we don't fly all that much - I've actually never flown witih my husband, I realized.  It's always been for business, or with my parents!

I got my Christmas present early - we are flying to my in-laws for Christmas.  It will also be William's first time flying, and he's super-excited about going on an airplane :)  It's cute.

My question is this - do we need some kind of ID for him?  I mean, he's 3 :)

Thanks - I'm sure that's a stupid question!!

Married - October 16, 2005
Mama to William Nathaniel - October 7, 2006

And Natalie Frances - June 24, 2010

Re: Question about flying

  • We just travel with a certified copy of Scott's birth certificate.  To date, no one has actually asked to see it but if they did, it would work. I've also heard you can fly with their immunization record?

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  • imageflamencogal:
    I've also heard you can fly with their immunization record?

    That works too. I was asked once for DD1s  ID but since you are all flying together I bet nobody says anything. 

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  • so far we've never been asked for any but we've brought a copy of her birth certificate before.  Although I'm not very good about bringing it every time like I should be, just in case.
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  • We've never been asked to show it, but we take a copy of her birth certificate.  I'm not sure at what age they start asking for ID on a regular basis; thus far she's been a lap child, but at Christmas she'll have her own seat.  Enjoy!
    Pregnant with #1 with PCOS and LPD, success with mostly naturopathic treatments
    Our Thanksgiving Day baby 11/22/07


    Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
    Our early Christmas present 12/9/10
  • We were asked to show Holly's birth certificate when we checked in for our return flight from Orlando.

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