And I have a FIFTEEN HOUR flight on Thursday. Fabulous.
There are like 5,000 meal options (gluten-free, low calorie, low carb, low protein, kosher, blah, blah)...and nothing for me. And they can't tell me the ingredients of the other meals so that I can see if one of them would work.
Any good ideas for meals/snacks to bring on board other than nuts? I thought no milk was tough, but this soy thing is killing me. There's soy in everything!
[ETA: I signed up for the "raw vegetarian" meal because I thought it might be my best bet. Though I'm sure it's like served with soy milk, soy yogurt & soy pudding. Do you think one of the other options would be better? There's a "lactose free" one...but I wouldn't know if there's soy in stuff. Do you think that one would be worth a shot or should I not risk it?]
Re: So there are no dairy- & soy-free airplane meals