North Carolina Babies

here's the latest FB drama

So remember my lovely FB friend who posts all of the entertaining things?--warns us of the perils of exersaucers, booster seats, etc.

And remember our last exchange--her asking who was in charge in our house b/c we use a booster instead of high chair b/c Scott hates highchairs.  And I responded "our exersaucer".  Then she posted on my wall I guess trying to laugh it off and then asking about how I liked my job right now which is her way of fishing for me to say I hate it (which I don't--I really do love my job) and that I want to be a SAHM like her.  Well, I ignored that post completely and haven't really been on FB that much.  Yesterday I saw it on my wall and just removed it b/c I think literally weeks have passed by and it makes no sense b/c the comment is just stand alone--not part of the original conversation.

Anyway, today she posted the following on my wall:

"isn't the remove button fun!!"

OMG--let it go lady!!!  And as far as I know she doesn't get notified if I remove a comment of hers so that also means she's been checking my wall to see if it's still there?!?!

OK ladies--opinions on what to do from here?  Have fun with it b/c this could continue to get entertaining.  My initial thoughts: "not as much fun as the unfriend (or whatever it's called) button" or "research shows if you ignore inappropriate behavior, it will stop eventually. Hmmm".  The evil part of me wants to ask how things are going in her marriage (which is always on the rocks) and with her pregnancy (I swear she went off BC w/o telling her DH).  Or something along the lines of get a life or let it go. Or I could continue to just ignore her and remove her comments.

Fire away! I'm busting out a bottle of wine for tonight!  :) 


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Re: here's the latest FB drama

  • Why don't you let some of your other friends (ie, nesties) take passive-aggressive stabs at her via your wall.  You don't have to say anything, but others can say things that are obviously geared towards her without coming out and saying it? 

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • What a....gem. Confused

    Oh, the fun you could have with that. But I'd probably just let it go. No fun, I know. hehe...

    ETA: Oooh.. or Mikey's idea. Wink

    photo c107d4aa-9909-4a33-b3bd-bd94168bd5fc.jpg

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  • Cheese and RICE!  This chick is a nutter!

    I would say, "If only they'd add a dislike button, I'd be all set!"  That way it's subtle :)  Then, since I'm a jerk, I might kick in a bonus "How's that unplanned pregnancy?"  Or "Are you and *her DH* still getting along okay?"

  • imagemrsmikey:
    Why don't you let some of your other friends (ie, nesties) take passive-aggressive stabs at her via your wall.  You don't have to say anything, but others can say things that are obviously geared towards her without coming out and saying it? 

    I'll do it hehe!

    Honestly, I hate passive aggressive drama like that, I'd probably just unfriend her and be done with it.  Unless your DH doesn't want you do be that obvious about it, since she is his friend, right?

    ETA: and she is a serious nut job to have been checking your wall for weeks waiting for you to respond to her previous comment!  She must be on pins and needles now LOL!

    Rachel & Bill 9-10-05, Liam Andrew born 5-30-08 (formerly lakebride05)
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  • Wow.  Just wow.  I'm for showing her how fun the unfriend feature is...

    Married - October 16, 2005
    Mama to William Nathaniel - October 7, 2006

    And Natalie Frances - June 24, 2010
  • i'd have fun with it
    ...however you see fit.
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  • Personally, I'd be tired of the drama (HATE drama & passive-aggressive BS) & just unfriend her. However, I'm not sure what repercussions you might face if you do that.

    Whatever you decide, keep us updated! 

  • Dang, I think I'd have to de-friend her.  What a freakin biatch!!!!!!!!!!

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    My Sweet Girls

  • well, I think I'm leaning toward just de-friending her.  It's going to cause some initial drama which I'm sure will include a call to my DH about it but then hopefully it will be over.  We're supposed to go back to CO in Jan and she's there--that will be the most awkward visit ever if we stop by to see her and the 2 kids she forced upon her DH. Ugghh--why can't she just behave herself?!

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  • imagemrsmikey:
    Why don't you let some of your other friends (ie, nesties) take passive-aggressive stabs at her via your wall.  You don't have to say anything, but others can say things that are obviously geared towards her without coming out and saying it? 

    THIS!  And please let me be one of your FB friends, I could so blow off some steam this way, LOL! 

  • The only thing about unfriending her is when she realizes it(and since she is FB stalking you she will)  she may request you to be a friend again and then you would have to flat out ignore her, which would cause more drama. If you really don't care about this person at all, I would unfriend her and be done with it. But I think I would put the jab that Speed said on my wall before I did it. What a nutcase!
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  • I'd make the dislike button suggestion and leave it at that. ?I mean if you have to actually see this person again, there's no sense in trying to unfriend someone online that you still have to encounter in real life. ?That will just make for some future awkward exchange. ?This way, you're still standing your ground and letting her know that you find her to be inappropriate. ?Plus your joke will be way funnier than her stalkerish one. ?So you win.

    ?I could introduce her to one of my FB "friends" and they could spend hours torturing each other. ?What the hell is it with some people? ?Where do they find the time??

  • She is a trip!!!!

    Katie, Duke Gardens, 6months


    Zach, Duke Gardens, 6months


    Photo courtesy from the amazing Ever You Photography!

  • Thanks for the responses ladies.  I talked with DH and we both think un-friending her will be huge drama, especially since we may have to see her in Jan.  I think I'll go with the dislike button comment and if she continues to try and engage me in exchanges, I'll just keep removing her posts.  After Jan though (if she keeps it up) I may just unfriend her.  I'll keep you posted b/c I'm betting she won't let it die. :)

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